Monday, December 25, 2006

Been a long time

Exactly a week since my last post, haven't really got the time for it, so I'll try to be concise.

My PC's hard drive burned out, gotta buy a new one, AntiVirus's progress is backed up fully, but work will be suspended until the computer is fixed. but the thing I most regret is not backing my WC III replays, I had like an awesome 6 win streak that got me to level 8 or 9.

In other news a 2 week holiday started 5 or so days ago, I wanted the time to program the new game but that's not going to happen appearently.

And to honor my NintendoDS. I'll post the games I intend to purchase for 6 months:
- Pokemon Pearl.
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorny: Justice for All.
- The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates.
Althoug few, these games are all +20 or +30 hours of gameplay each.

As we go deeper into winter, it keeps getting colder, right now I'm wearing a wool hat, wool gloves, a t-shirt and rip knee baggy pants, I don't know why I would mention what I'm wearing.

It seems this has to be it for now, I'll be posting more detailed posts later, you'll just have to survive to that time ;D.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

It's COLD *sniff*

I--I--I'm freezing.

Unlike what some people think this land of desert and heat gets amazingly cold in the winter, the weather here is always an extreme, it's only nice for 3 days a year or so, the rest eaither it's freezing cold or searing hot.

In the summer we get so hot that we can't get out of our houses, and at the middle of summer reaching 40C degrees is only natural, and in the winter reaching 8C or 9C degrees is also natural, this isn't that cold or that hot, but you get used to the cold and suddenly you feel like you're living inside a furnance, and you get used to the heat and suddenly it snows.

The sun has been covered with mist for the last 2 days, and it sets really early, while it's natural to some people, but we like the sun, we get used to it, now it's always dark, it also has been raining constantly over the past few days, that was awesome, rain just cleans the air of dust and smoke and harmful little beings (viruses, pactiria..etc), and the streets smell nice after rain, I know am happy to just take deep breaths in the back yard, and I feel so relaxed after it.

Can you feel what it's like to line up at 6am for exercises at this temprature?, well I can't xD, they stopped the line up because it's freakishly cold, hurray!.

Usually the school drops the whle time table by one hour in winter (we start 7am and end 2:30pm) but appearantly they're not going to do it this year, and we'll go to school at 6am all winter, but the problem that in the middle of winter, the 4 middle days of winter are called "Arrab'Aniyah", they are the coldest, so if we go to school at 6am in the middle of winter, it will be still night, and the sun wouldn't have risen yet, just thought that's interesting.

On other news, I'll go play WarCraft 3 some more now just like what I've been doing for the last 6 hours, but still didn't get a good enough replay, they're all either against noobish people, quits/leaves (not by me that's for sure!), or I lost, I don't mean I only win against bad people, but I want to show a top skill replay that I win at, will find one sometime ^_^.


Grey doesn't exist!

Hi, I find myself writing 2 posts every other day on this blog, perhaps that's the best way to do it, but we'll see.

Life is white or black, good or bad, right or wrong, rightous or evil, success or fail, do or die, and if you don't eat other people, other people will eat you.

White and black are shades #255 and #0 on zero staturation, so what's the big deal with them? white and black are just the two shades on opposite ends of atleast 253 other shades.
I can't say I care much for grey either, it's the split middle, shades #127 and #128, so it doesn't take all the good of black or white, but it sure takes the bad.

The puzzle of life is that assignment, alot of choices have to be made, how much of time to assign to that thing?, how much effort to assign to that?, what people to assign my loyalty to?, how much should I assign for this life?, how much should I assign for the next life?.. a bad choice can destroy a good life, and a good choice can revive a bad life, it's just timing.

And as the old saying (I JUST know it's from arabic origins, I just didn't find a reliable source of it ) says: Work for God as if you shall die now, and work for yourself as if you are immortal*.

I hope you have good times, and always make the right choice.

* Translated by meaning.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Report Dayٍ

I just got back from school, and I took a horrible chemistry test which I answered with only 2 and a half hours of sleep, yep, that was baaad (Triple "A" intended!) .

But that just falls behind when it comes to the mid-term school report I recieved, the grades weren't as bad as the typos!
I got 0 on homework grades for chemistry, and 0 for test grade for physics!, that almost killed me, and when I went to the teachers they actually gave me full marks, it's just dreadful typos, also for computer I got 16.5 out of 20, and for geology I got 10.5 out of 20, that's not acceptable!, tomorrow I will discuss it with the teachers, I'm pretty sure they're typos also.

If all typos are fixed, I predict I will get a grade of 97.5% or so, which is good, but I need to aim for more than 99%, or so thinks my parents.

So I showed my report to me parents, my father almost pulled his gun on me (joke, no gun!) and he turned to be a red Hulk, and when I explained the typos at a speed of 4 words per second, my father became less red, and his size returned to normal (That was all jokes, my father just smiled and looked at me, which is when I explained the typos).
But did I get praise for getting only 7 words wrong of each 200 word I write?, did I get any praise for knowing and understanding 97.5% of all subjects? NO, because that's bad!, that's just bad, I should get 100% he says, he said life is hard, you either fail or succeed, and I'm not doing any good now, he says the least mark I want to see is 99%, I -obviously- was burning with bitterness on the inside, I wished I could just disappear and fly to the sky and roam the space, 97.5% is an unrealisticly good mark!, if a doctor has a success rate of 97.5%, s/he'd be legendary, but 97.5% is unrealstic, 97.5% is an excellent grade! so I couldn't just go to my room with that being the last thing said, so I sat down to lunch with my father, mother, and 3 brothers (I'm the oldest one), and the following conversation took place:

My father: This is not bad, but if you want to be the best you should get atleast 99%, and I know that you are capable of that!.
Me: I know I CAN do better, and I will do everything I'm capable of, but if I get 97% at the end, I won't kill myself over it.
Father: But you should, 97% isn't that good, and you only study one hour a day, study 2 hours and you'll atleast get 99%, I know you're smart.
Me: I will try my best, but all I'm saying is I won't kill myself over it.
Mother: But then you won't be afraid of failure.
Me: Aiming to succeed is better than aiming not to fail, I want to be motivated.
Father: I give you money, and I buy you games, and I let you go wherever you want, and we trust you completely, isn't that motivation? (That didn't sound as bad as it sounds now, he was just referring to the things I have that most other kids have, and not counting his favors on me.)
Right now I felt depressed, when I said to him I want to be motivated, it was an indirect way of asking him to praise me for my grade, I felt that my extra high ultimate 97% is so under-apreciated.
Me: What? Isn't 97% any good?, why do you guys look like someone just died??
My mother looked at me and smiled.
Father: This grade isn't bad, actually it's great, you're one of the top 5% of students in Saudia Arabia
Just then.. just at that moment.. a cool breeze went through my body and put off the fire that was in my chest.. and as I held the tears in my eyes, I smiled.
My father continues smiling: but your potential is too much for you to neglect, aim higher ok?..

And I left there in a better state than the one I came with.

Family is such a great thing.


So hi again!.
I should be sleeping for school, but Friday is insomnia day for me, I just have all types of sleeping problems, and if I go far and take a hot bath, drink hot milk, wear extra comfortable PJs and relax for 30 minutes before sleeping, I sleep uncomfortable, if I do none of the above, I will go to school on Saturday without closing my eyes for 20 seconds, and to top it off, this Saturday happens to have a very hard chemistry test, yeppy!.

But anyway, I'm hear to talk about my newest project in game programming.

I, although very experienced as an amature game programmer, have never made a full game, always parts of code everywhere, and examples to teach people how to do certain things..etc, I mean I have very high skill for an amature, but I have never completed a game, for the simple fact that after a month I get bored with the project and shift-delete it, for no appearant reason, so my problem is will, not skill.

This game I'm tying to break the bad habbit with, and I will see it through!.

The Game's name is AntiVirus, it's a puzzle-RTS game, where you play on a set map, and viruses walk on a road to get to your hard drive and damage your computer, you have to build towers that shoot down the viruses before they can damage the computer, and you win the stage after the last wave of viruses has ended and your computer's life points didn't reach 0.

That would be the simple run down, the game will have some complexty & depth to it, and it will support diffrent play styles, and I believe, that if I actually completed it, it's going to be a top rated amature game.

I'll be posting the game's news, pictures and latest updates on any progress achieved.

School and the new system

I know I'm posting alot now, but eventaully I'll settle on the right frequency.

So I'll talk about our school and it's new system, but first I'll run you the basic school system in Saudia Arabia then talk about more detailed things.

School starts at 6 o'clock in the morning, we have 30 minutes to freshen up and shake off sleep, then we line up in the yard to do some exercises and hear the Cast and updates on things happening in the school, usually finishing sevenish. (The cast is a daily event, where students from a class chosen by the cast scheduel go up to a microphone and they read some poetry, words of wisdome, science facts, advice... and really good stuff, most people hate it, I hate it too when it becomes repeative, but mostly it's not, so I enjoy it)

The day is devided into 8 studying periods, each is 45 minutes, and we have them all in the same class, we don't change classes, teachers come to us.
We have a 20 minute snack break after the third period, and a 20 minute prayer break after the sixth period (Might sound wierd to most people, but this country IS 100% muslims, so for us, it's wierd not to have it), and we get out at 1:30pm.

The subjects.. you can't choose to study some and leave the other, all subjects are mandatory, but when going to 11th grade from the 10th grade, you get to choose between a few courses, the most common 2 is scientific and artistic, scientific takes advanced chemistry, physics, biology, geology, mathimatics, english language, and computer, with what's left over of religion subjects, and arabic language from past years.
I don't really know what the artistic course includes, but I know it highlights arabic language, history, poetry, religion and psychology, while little to no mention of the scientific subjects.

There's schools for boys and there's schools for girls, public or private, schools never contain students of both genders unless it's kindergarden, and although each and every boy (I don't know about girls) makes fun and says: "Oh god!, why do we need to be separated" or something along those lines, each one of us knows it's for the best, because it makes not having pre-marital sexual contact hard if possible, and all the things these guys want to do other people's daughters and sisters they don't approve of being done to their own daughter or sister or mother, so I'd say the people that actually want it to be mixed is 1%, and those are the guys who have no heat in their blood, and don't mind of dishonoring things being done to the females in their families, but more on that another day ;D.

We study 5 days a week, study days are Saturday through Wedensday, and weekend is Thursday and Friday.

A year is devided to 2 terms, separated by a 2-4 weeks vacation, and each two study years are separated by 10-14 weeks of vacation.

So to the grades system, each subject has 50 grades a term, 5 in the hands of the teacher, 15 on the mid-term test, 30 on the end of the term's test, but some simpler and verbal subjects have all 50 grades in the teacher's hand, but these are usually the ones you don't need to worry about.

Most subjects have 4 exams a year, a mid-term exam and an end-term exam for each term.

But wait!, no they don't!, they changed the system!, now there's no 4 exams a year thing, there's exams all year long, the grades system have been reassigned, 10 to little pop quiz exams made all year, 10 to homework, and 30 to the end-term exam!.
But fear not!, there's more!, before, universities only looked at your last year's (12th grade's) grade, if it's good you get an interview and if it's bad you don't, completly disregarding all the previous years, so students kick back through 11th grade and work hard for the 12th, but GOD no!, we can't have a kickback year!, just as I reached the 11th grade they said the 12th grade's grade = 11th grade/2 + 12th grade/12 ...AND THAT SUCKS.. I didn't get my rightfully deserved kickback year, I'm an "A+" student, and I wanted to kick back, now I have to work hard to keep my grades.. T_T, that just hurts!.
And the grades for all subjects isn't 50 a term anymore, subjects' grades are now multiplied by how many periods a week you have of that subject, so we have 4 biology, chemistry, and physics preiods each weak, instead of 50, they get 200 grades a term each!, so the english teacher whom I don't go well along with (They teach us really boring english, the whole course should be revised) has 250 grades in his pocket! comparable only to math with 300 grades a term.. I mean, I sleep in english class and I play my NintendoDS and draw doodles on the back of the english's note book, now he has 250 grades?, that's just baad (with a double "a").

But the new system has some good stuff going for it, for starters 20 of 50 grades are controled by the teacher, and I 90% of the time have excellent relationships with my teachers, I talk with them about stuff, joke around and stuff like that, so I'm sure I'll get a little help here and there, on other side, now rude students have one big reason not to be rude with the teacher.
Before, we had only 4 tests a year, and to be honest, I only studied each subject 4 times a year, in the night before the test, although I'm an "A" student, that's due to my own intellegence, not to blow my own horn, but I make the most out of the periods I get in school, that I don't need to study it at home, and I can usually know what question to expect the test would include, but nevertheless, test nights were really stressfull, I studied like a maniac, how canI compress 3 months of study into one day?, but I managed, but now, with a lot of pop quiz tests.. I'm studying all the time, and when the end-term tests come, I would've studied all that stuff before, and I'll just have a good relaxing time before my vacation.
And although my kickback year was terminated, now I don't need to push myself too hard, I have 2 years to get great grades, before 12th grade was your one and only shot to a good university.

So anyway, that's what school is like at Saudia Arabia, and I explained the pros and cons of the new system, that's about it for today, now I'll get some sleep before my chemistry test tomorrow (it's 1am now, what the hell?).

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Replay: UDvs.Orc on Turtle Rock - Win

Hi, so today I was laddering, and I came across this higher level orc player (Actually he's 19 and I'm 6) on Turtle Rock.

I wasn't worried or anything, I know it's Orc on Turtle Rock, but Undeads' fear from Orcs vanished, not because of a new patch or because Undeads found a new imba tactic, it's because Orc is so hard against Undead, that the Undead didn't rest until they were able to defeat them, so now Orcs are just your everyday match, for the most parts atleast.

So about the replay, it's fairly simple, I was very concentrated and relaxed while my opponent isn't that good of a player (God knows how he got to level 19).

I went for Crypt Lord(Carriorn Beetles) Death Knight second, and Fiends, he went for a Farseer, Shadow Hunter second, and.. check this out.. Troll Headhunters!, Headhunters are the best way to counter the cookie cut strategy for Undeads against Orcs, but that's not the reason he did this, if it was, he wouldn't have trained Master Shamans, so anyway, he built a lot of towers outside his base.. so I thought, if he wants to stay in, I'll keep him in!, so I spread burrowed carrion beetles and shades on the map to know where he will try to set up his expo, and I creeped my heroes up because obviousley this dude loves defense, I got a few Destroyers to counter his Shamans, and had 3 Frost Wrms by the end of the game.

The game ended after I cancelled his expo 3 times and killed his army about 3 or 4 times, and he ran out of gold, good game.


I hope you enjoy it ^_^, see you next time!.

Myself in WarCraft III

I play WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne on Bnet, I'm not a great player.. actually I'm not even a good player right now, but that will change.

For those curious I play Undead, and I prefer innovation over cookie cutting, because being whacky and innovative doesn't give your opponent a clear target, and he won't know what do against your new methods, unless you're playing against someone with real skill who is adaptive.

My new account you find here.

I'll be posting my first replay soon.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Living at Saudia Arabia

Now, I'll talk about my home, the warm sands that embraced my existance, the cool breezes of air that wake me up, the wild land that my ancestors tamed.

People from outside the arabic world who haven't been to the Arabian Pensuela devide into 3 types when it comes to their thoughts about Saudia Arabia.

Type A: They think we still live in the desert, riding camels and hunting wild animals,
where battles of honor take place using the sword and shield, and we ride on horses to faraway oasises and take a few drinks of water and continue our epic journey.

Type B: These ones think this is a land of terror and fear, where torrists roam the lands and people will do anything for money, a place where unknown people march through the street with guns to scare their oppoents, and the goverment are overwhelmed by the corruption it can't do anything.

Type C: This one's my personal favorite, the people that think the avreage saudi has 3 billion dollars because of oil, and we're all princes who have hundreds of slaves, we dress in colorful silk and there's people cooling us with large pink feathers while I enjoy my seed free grapes on my extra expensive pillow in my palace of gold.

The fact is, Saudia Arabia is none of the above;

Unlike what 'type A' people think, we have cars, computers, very advanced hospitals, and a lot of technology going on, although we're a little behind, we're still there, and 3rd world is just an insult to our great country, and we have plenty of water, 200,000 leters of water costs 3 dollars here, and the saudi citizen is the third highest citizen in the world when it comes to using water.

And unlike what 'type B' thinks, this nation is one of peace, a few hundred terrorists don't change a thing, and they rarely attack in Saudia Arabia, and corrupted this country is not!, there're corrupted people just like anywhere, but they're invidiuals, and I'd say we have a very low crime rate because Alcohol is forbidden, and drug dealers get the death penalty as they should.

And unlike what 'type C' thinks, I don't stick my finger in the gorund and get oil flowing, oil did infact enrich this country by much, however, it is not to the extent that most people imagine, there's alot of avreage people, making avreage money and living avreage lives, there're rich people, and poor people, like any place else, but the avreage is the avreage because it's what most people are, avreage.

So, as you should have concluded, this place is just lie any other place on earth, there's nothing special about it, it's just our home, sweat sweat home.

Being Seventeen

First I will be talking about what it's like to be seventeen.

I believe that people aging from 15 to 19 are at a critical point in their life, it's either glory or failure, white or black, at this very age, your destiny chain is handed to you, and the slightest change for better or worse will determine how years of your life will be spent, the first homework you skipped intentionally, the first test you didn't study for, the friends you choose, the pressure is tremendous! because my whole future is standing on my shoulders, my own family that didn't even become fates are also decided at this time, the weight is too much, but you can't put anything down! nothing is less important than the other, the thoughts that come to me about the future make my chest hurt, I feel pressed on to the ground, and.. I.. can't.. get.. up..

Time runs fast and you can't do anything, you can't be at two places in the same time, you can't do two things in the same time, but the calanders sheets keep falling, you can't make them stop.

Being seventeen is good, because life is good, just be at peace with your self and your family and friends, make balance between the present and future, and believe in god, then believe in your self, as a wise ruler of the once greatest nation said: "I have a hair between me and the people, if they pull I let loose, and if they let loose I pull.", have a hair between you and life and make sure it doesn't break, if life falls on you hard, relax and take a look at your life, if life gives you a break, take it and make something of it.

Now take a deep breath, hold it.. .. release it, and enjoy life ^_^